Save These Dates for 2024

At a meeting on February 23, 2024, the CCA Board decided on the dates for various upcoming CCA events this year. These events and dates are listed below, and we hope to see everyone there. In addition to the dates given below we hope to organize a Firewise event sometime in May at the Carson Fire Department.

Sunday May 19th. Carson Spring Fling Sales Event

CCA will hold this event at the Carson Volunteer Fire Department. Bring your items for sale. We’ll have fresh food for sale from the grill, a bake sale, and CVFD demos involving cutting up car wrecks and putting out fires. The event will be a fundraiser for CVFD and will take place alongside the Carson Sunday Market, where there will be live music. Start to collect your special items to sell. There will be a $5 donation per table payable to the CCA.

Saturday July 13th. 10.30am. CCA Annual General Meeting

This CCA meeting for all members will take place at the Carson Volunteer Fire Department. The main item on the Agenda will be voting for members to fill vacancies on the CCA Board, and a report of the Board’s activities for the past year.

Sunday October 6th. 10.00am. CCA Fall Festival

CCA will be running our main fundraising event together with the Carson Sunday Market and the Carson Cafe. There will be great music, good food, amazing raffle prizes, games, and a chance to meet your neighbors.

Sunday November 10th. 2.00pm. Thanksgiving Feast

CCA will host this popular event at the Carson Volunteer Fire Department. This is a great opportunity to share a meal, provided by CCA, with your friends and neighbors.

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