CCA Legal Boundaries

Map showing CCA’s legal boundaries (red line).

Carson Community Association is a non-profit organization, and its work and geographic reach are defined by its Bylaws. The CCA Bylaws define Carson as being in Taos County, and with the boundaries as registered with Taos County Courthouse. These use the Carson Post Office as their center, extending three miles north, and four miles south, and as far east as the Rio Grande. The western boundary is rather less clear, west to the section line parallel to Highway 285, including property owned (in 1999) by the Wiltons which extends west of 285. The Drakes’ property is specifically excluded. We have printed an approximate map of the coverage area here (demarcated by a red boundary). If you own property for six months within that area, or you have lived in the specified area for six months, you are a member of the CCA.

This means that areas such as Three Peaks are not within the CCA area. CCA is stretched to attend to the issues that occur within its defined area, and we hope that other communities might think about forming their own organizations to address their particular needs which likely differ to those of the Carson area.

Members of other communities do, and are welcome to, use programs initiated or run by CCA, including the Carson Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, which has its own service area clearly defined, and the Carson Food Bank, which serves the communities of Carson, Ojo Caliente, Star, Three Peaks, Two Peaks. Members of other communities regularly attend CCA organized events.

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